Saturday, November 11, 2017

Back Browning

Still very sick of brown, but knowing that I will eventually be rid of it.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Purse, Redux

I bought this purse at the same place I bought yesterday's.  This one should get to me next week.  I will probably change to carrying it when it gets here.

Almost Across

I am almost across the top edge.  Next time, I will be.  Yay!  Then I get to try other colors.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

More Cow Fur

When we lived in Uruguay, Andreas used to tell me he hated cow fur and didn't want it in the house.  Nowadays, he seeks it out for me.  This is one of the purses I bought at the Fort Worth Stockyards.  It's a bit washed out in this photo, as it's much darker.  I used it for the Marine Ball.

Most Of November

November's got a very large start.  One more month to go after this!

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Oh My Pumpkin

Finally! Photos of my pumpkin.  I like the way it looks a lot and want to continue in this craft. The pumpkin is in my air shipment, though, so I have to wait until it gets here to display it.

Three Flowers

Definitely more done this time.  The flowers are almost done and the hearts are coming along.