Thursday, January 18, 2018

First Panel

I am almost done with the first panel!  I think this is looking pretty good.

Handmade Jewelry

I picked this up at the winter bazaar at the embassy.  I need a chain for the pendant.

A Walk Around Sarajevo

We went to Sarajevo for Thanksgiving a couple of months ago.  It was a good, if short, visit, and we took a walk around the town with the Larsons on that Friday.  The museum in the top picture is of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, which started World War I.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Sketching In

Yay, I am beginning to get the outline of the bottom half of the dragon!

Darker Green

I am still getting a lot of background done, but this time I also added some darker green and some red.

Last Of The Bags

This one was full of a lot of things too, and its message seemed to be Brazilian embroidery.  Maybe I will try it.

In The Courtyard

The building at the bottom is the chapel that holds all the frescos.  Outside of the roof, it is original fourteenth century construction.  You can tell it was autumn because of all the red leaves on the mountains.  The top building is one of the outer, sheltering buildings of the monastery.  It is next to the entrance gate and portcullis.  The only way to get to this monastery is to go through the UN checkpoint at the front.