Sunday, January 21, 2018


I now have an atom in the middle!  It's time to get working on the garden.

Madrasa Museum

We visited this museum, not knowing what it was when we entered.  The Larsons had not been in it either, so it was new to all of us.  The original structure was built in the 1500's and was used as a school.  There is still a school right next door to it, run by the same organization that built this.  There were some textiles in there, and it was interesting to see.  There was also a video describing the history of the place.  It was definitely worth the watch.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Filling In Bricks

I am both roofing the houses and filling in their bricks now.  True progress.


I sent this ornament, after I finished it, to my mother a couple of weeks ago.  It came out pretty well.

Moar Color

I have more color in the peacock tail.  Soon, there will be a lot less brown and a lot less tail.  The peahen also got a bit of stitching.

Religious Monuments

All from outside their boundaries, here are some photos of churches and mosques in the old part of Sarajevo.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Working On Red

I am working on the small labyrinths on the top two quadrants now.  There will be some tiny green areas inside the shapes.