Sunday, February 25, 2018

Nolive Done

I am now done with Nolive.  One more finish down.  This will become an ornament.

February Finished

February was a lot less to stitch, so it got completed early.  Yay!

More Glossy Goodness

This glossybox had a hair product in it - Show Riche - that I have fallen in love with.  Andreas got me more for when this one runs out.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

On To Christmas

After this photo, but for about a week, this became my daily stitch.  Look for a lot of progress next time.

New Fabric

The fabric reminds me of a forest; now I have to find something to play that up.

Crossing The Top

This has come back up on my rotation, and I have rediscovered that this color combination appeals to me.  The top border is stitching up pretty quickly, so I hope this is one of those small, fast projects.