Monday, February 26, 2018

Striping The Petals

I like working crewel.  This piece is satisfying that itch for now.  Time for me to get these petals fully striped.

Ipsy Time

Lots of ipsy goodness in this.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Nolive Done

I am now done with Nolive.  One more finish down.  This will become an ornament.

February Finished

February was a lot less to stitch, so it got completed early.  Yay!

More Glossy Goodness

This glossybox had a hair product in it - Show Riche - that I have fallen in love with.  Andreas got me more for when this one runs out.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

On To Christmas

After this photo, but for about a week, this became my daily stitch.  Look for a lot of progress next time.

New Fabric

The fabric reminds me of a forest; now I have to find something to play that up.