Monday, June 18, 2018

Stitch Maynia #22 - Hanging Gardens

Another needlepoint start.  This one has a lot of jessica stitches in it.

Lunch Alone

While Andreas was at class, I had lunch at an outdoor cafe.  The tomato soup was truly good.  The schnitzel was average.  I even stitched some.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Starting The Lion

I am now on to the lion.  It's a lot of stitching this month.  I guess that's why it's two months' worth to do.

Hauptwache Lunch

On one of our last days, Andreas and I ate at the cafe at the bottom of the Hauptwache tower.  The food was somewhat expensive (location, I presume), but good.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Fraggle Rock Done

Yay, I finished!  My husband says these look like the fraggles.  I'm not so sure.  I do know they were a pain to stitch because there was a LOT of confetti.

True Visit To Germany

While in Mainz, there was a band playing "99 Luftballoon."  

Friday, June 15, 2018

Looking Stately

Finally back to doing some of my regular rotation, and Earth Dragon got some love. I have decided to do all the backs titching in black instead of the many colors because the chart is confusing on the color placement.  I think it'll still turn out magnificent.