Sunday, October 28, 2018

Renaissance Restaurant

This has become one of my favorite restaurants. For fifteen euros, they stuff you with five? six? courses and all the wine and raki you can drink.  We always leave stuffed with good food and have a wonderful time.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

To The Edge

I am so very close to the edge of the fourth wing.  It's almost time to start specialty stitches and trees.

Outer Space Countdown

This was all the stuff in my outer space countdown from Stitchy Box. I love both patterns and will be making them soon using some of the other items in the box.

Lots Of Green

Another window done and the green is getting pretty big in the garden.  The open spaces are for specialty stitch flowers.

Exchange Finish

It's been a while since I made this back in July, but it was for a Christmas in July exchange.  Came out okay, I think.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Tree Of Happiness Start

Tatiana, the designer and teacher of this piece, badgered me into starting it, so here it is. I am using fiberlicious silks because I have a lot of them and I think they'd be good for this project.


This has now been given to its recipients.  Yay!