Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Flute

We saw these beautiful champagne flutes while at the glass factory. They came home with us. We managed  to fit all six in the suitcase.

Jamming To The Bottom

Outside of the beads, there isn't much left to do on this. The spinner hasn't been nice to it, however. It hasn't been spun all week.

Back To Adriatiku

We went back to Adriatiku with some friends on a fine day in September. The food was good, well presented, and plentiful. We got rained on a bit (true downpours), but stayed under the awning playing Zombie dice.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Fiberlicious Fabrics

Bought these on a sale. Going to have to find a project for each.

Nearly Black Eyed

I am so close to being done with this square. There are only a few small things to go.

First Macedonia Meal

Back over Labor Day weekend we went to Skopje for a well deserved break. We ate a lot of meals at a lot of restaurants. This was the first one, which I believe was at the Irish pub. It was middling good. Nothing exceptional, but there was poor service.