Monday, December 24, 2018

Sneek Restart

Sneek just wasn't working out for me on the stiff white aida, so I changed fabrics. This is how far I got on the new fabric, and it's now in my rotation.

Glossy Advent Box

I splurged and got myself a glossy box advent calendar. Here it is all opened up. Below are the first two items from it. I've already used the lip balm.

Little Restaurant In Rugova

After our unspectacular stay in Prague (caused by weather and Andreas' need to get an emergency root canal) we went to Rugova Gorge for the weekend. The only indoor cooking (in October) was an unstable propane cylinder. This lunch was at the closest restaurant. The wait staff was attentive without being cloying, and the food was good. It was the closest restaurant to our cabin, about three kilometers away.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Lots Of Blue

I added quite a bit of blue to the house and some pink and brown too. I'll have the first one done soon.

Gift From Kerry

Kerry found this cute little yarn ball pin at her local embassy bazaar and got it for me. Thank you Kerry!

At The Tavern

This was the best food we had in Prague. We had to walk a lot to get there, but it was worth it. Even with reservations, you might have to share a table. All barbecue, and all worth it.