Saturday, June 08, 2019

Stitch Maynia #18: Bright Idea

 This is the beginning of yet another Ink Circles. Can you believe I still have some unstarted charts?

Stitch Maynia #16: Solar System

Mercury rising on the fabric. 

Cologne At Night

A photo from one side of the Rhein to the other. Cologne can look pretty at night, even in bad weather.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Stitch Maynia #15: Snow is Coming!

One day's work and I'm almost halfway done. The opalescent fabric is hard to work on!

Stitch Maynia #14: Athena Noctua

There is an Ink Circles theme this year. This one is for Andreas, who loves owls.

Glossy Box May

This box was better than usual from Glossy, but I've decided to take a break. I have to work my way through all the stuff I have.

Heather In Amsterdam

The Dutch have decided to use hardy heather to brighten up short winter days in Amsterdam. We saw it in several flower boxes.