Wednesday, June 26, 2019

More Border, More Column

The sides of everything got a bit more stitching, and, when the thread comes for the column tops, they'll be filled in.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Goldwork Dragon Kit

Goldwork, finally, comes more into kits. Thank you Golden Hinde. I will get to this soon.

Amsterdam Christmas Lights

Some street lights in Amsterdam. Looked prettier in person.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Family Reunion

Our adopted Marine was posted in The Hague while we were in Amsterdam, so he rode the pancake boat with us! We hope to catch up with him again while we're in the US for home leave in November.

All Possumed

I finished my stitching. Now I need to make it into a flat hanger to give to someone.

Yellow Bird Done

After all my starts in May, I have a finish. Yellow Bird by Mill Hill is done and will be gifted once I iron it.

Amsterdam Graffiti

There was a graffiti park near the ferry's dock. We explored it while waiting to cross the bay to home.