Saturday, August 24, 2019

Betrayal At House On The Hill

We played regular Betrayal with our friend Kerry over Memorial Day weekend in Montenegro. So we have our own copy of the legacy version of it now, and have people to play it with.

Halfway Round, Finally

This is halfway done, across the table topper. Yay. I hope to finish it soon.

Grayson Gets Ice Cream

Kosovo doesn't have a McDonalds, but we do have Burger King with drive through! Turns out Grayson loves ice cream as much as Mattie does.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fiberlicious July

More pretty fabric and thread from Fiberlicious.


This has been my daily stitch for a bit, and there's significant progress. I have finished the banner, bar beading, and am now working on the rest. Maybe it'll get done some day.

Kosovo Buffalo

Prior to the war, there were more than 50k water buffalo in Kosovo. Now, there's one herd owned by Drenas Dairy. They sell buffalo milk and buffalo milk cheese, but not mozzarella. I think that's a mistake, as there's definitely a market for it here, but it is what it is. The cows are a bit skittish, but aren't they full of personality?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Winding Down

Working on getting more of this done. I'm feeling that it's getting close to being done and I have an itch to finish it.