Saturday, December 07, 2019


Bought this during a walk through of Hobby Lobby. Will definitely be started, at latest, during stitch maynia.

Another Tree

One more tree just about done. This has been put away until it arrives in Kosovo in our air shipment.

More Swording

One complete sword done, yay! Now to the other...

Not So Great

Because Mezze was right in front of The Beergarden, we decided to do Friday dinner one night this past summer. We'd been told they do pretty good lunches. Dinner, not so much. I'd go so far as to say it was one of the worst meals we've had in Kosovo. Luckily, they have since closed and they are doing a renovation of the space for a new business. 

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Off To France

I sent this off to France for my exchange last week, along with some Christmas chocolate. It cost more than $40 to ship! Weighs under a pound. How expensive!

Coloring In The Unicorn

The unicorn on the left is getting filled in.  This is on hold for a bit until UAB arrives in Kosovo. I needed a break on the big projects and added a bunch of smalls into the rotation.

Quilting Stash

Some fabric, some patterns, and a couple of kits. Now to find time.