Thursday, January 16, 2020

Six And A Half

Six and a half butterflies to go. I am certainly not keeping this. I start samplers and get bored with them. Not the fault of the designer at all.

Fondue Fire

We had our (very) belated anniversary dinner at Simply Fondue in Sundance Square.  As these photos show, I do light my marshmallows on fire. Food was good, company was better.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Grey And Orange

I crashed off the color scale for snowflakes, but it looks pretty good. And it's done. And gifted.

Started The Sixth

The sun is shining on the sixth house.

Beginning The Meadow

The very bottom of the middle has the fence of the sheep meadow coming in. I feel good with progress.

Esperanza For Lunch Again

We did Esperanza's again before leaving Fort Worth, and I fajitas instead of caldo de res. Esperanza's is sooo good.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Got Arm

Beginning of an arm and more flag done. I am getting to the top, slowly but better than not at all.