Monday, April 27, 2020

Outside The Castle

The castle was crowded, so I only walked around the outside. It was a beautiful day.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Random Meadow Done

This is all done and given away now. One more project complete@

Mandala Started

Something circular from cozyblue. All in blue, too. So this is a pretty long stitch, with a lot of long and short.

Castle Break

Not really any inexpensive lunch places near the castle, so stopped at a little dessert place and had a lemonade and a cheesecake.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

One More For The Pile

One more ornament finished for the pile of Christmas presents.

Almost Eighthed

Just about done with my chthulus. Two side borders and this square is done.

Margaret Island Gardens

I feel Margaret Island is one of those places people think are for tourists but are actually for locals. Lots of dogs on and off leash. Not really anything to -do- except walk, bike, run. Beautiful gardens. It's green space for the city.