Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Boning Up

Tenth square is started. Bones are showing.


Grayson Gazes At Sheep

Grayson loves looking at sheep, and sometimes there's a flock of them out behind the subdivision. He's not actually met any up close.


Monday, September 21, 2020

The Blue Set

Andreas decided I needed more pens. These are from Jet Pens. I didn't know about them until they got here.

Third Cornering

 The photo is off by a turn, but you can see in the bottom left corner that the third willow tree and gate are well underway.

Golden Yellow

Lots of yellow coming through for the bottle's neck. Still looking quite incomplete, though.


My Lovely Mattie

These photos of Mattie were taken back in April. She still had a lot of living to do and enjoyed her life. Unfortunately, Mattie died on Saturday the 12th, in the evening, surrounded by many of us who love her. 
Mattie is sorely missed. She has left a very large hole in our lives and our hearts. I turn around every day thinking I will see her. She was an awesome companion and a loyal friend, getting me through some truly tough times. I grieve that my Sharrvelous is gone, but know that she is no longer in pain and is buried in a place where the mountains surround her.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Global Artisan Textiles

I ordered some thread from Global Artisans, since they're the only other distributor than African Folklore Embroidery for House of Embroidery threads. AFE totally fell down on the job. So these came. And I was surprised, because all I ordered was thread. Thank you! They were fast, too.