Monday, October 19, 2020

Up To Four

Four rows of text done. And two sections of the house. This will get finished!


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Horse Or No

Kind of a horse there, kind of not. Either way, the stitching is done. I need to iron it and put it into a hoop for a friend.

Beached Castle

Over a year after finishing the stitching, I finally made this into a hanging sampler. Doesn't look bad.

Chad Visits The Levins

Chad is our most mobile dog. Here, he went to a barbecue with us at a house close by. He was a good boi and even Gus pet him.


Friday, October 16, 2020

First Bud


Finally on the first bud! Only need to fill in the middle now.

Almost Half

This piece is going quickly! It's got only a couple more sessions to go to be done.


August Zenpop


Lots of little things to add to my stationery stash.