Saturday, November 28, 2020

Working Around

I've begun the circle around the sun's face. That means I'm that far down to being done. Lots of orange this time, too.


Flag And Shoulders

Working on the flag and the shoulder. Slow going.

Diamond Box Opened

There were fifteen items in this color box. I don't understand the pink and blue colors, but technically there are diamonds that color. Now to get something done with this stuff.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Back Of The Head

The back of the head's done. Now to start on the front some.


Missing Two Kinks

All but two of the curves on the knots are done. That means I'm almost to the filling in!


Cotton & Twine August

August's box took three months to get to me and was busted up when it got here. Nothing in the actual kit was damaged or lost. This will be started soon.



One good thing about this summer is that we had to find new restaurants and places to go to that were out in the countryside and adhered to social distancing. This was one of our finds - N'Katun. It's on the road between Vushtrri and Pristina. 
We are so glad we discovered it and will be going back when we can. We got a set menu - something we try to do whenever we go places. It's easier. One of our pod said this was the best beef she'd had in Kosovo. It, along with everything else, tasted wonderful on a beautiful summer day.