Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Quilting Grids

Grids to square up my fabric for finishing. Thank you Andreas and Amazon Prime Day.


Peach And Green

Done with one more ornament! This one finished up pretty well.


Evidence Based Science by VanCityStitchCo - Work From Home #35

This is a small sampler that I already have a recipient for. Now to get it done.


Missing Belly

The second dragon is missing only his belly. The left hand seaweed is done, and there's a third dragon begun on the left, too.


Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Pretty Octagon

Another pretty little ornament finished. I'm feeling like I may have enough this year.


I started and finished this llama all on the same day. It's my first work from home finish!

Leafing Out

I have two and a half leaves done! It's getting to be a bit more done.