Friday, August 19, 2022

Endless Corridors

More random bas relief in the corridors, and then photos of how long the corridors are.


Modern Looking

All of these pieces could have been made recently. The people, especially, look like it.


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

And Now For Some Purple

Three full chevrons and a third color added. Pretty much progress. Almost a quarter of the circle done.


Only Across

Lots to go here, but the top bit is done.


Stitchy Stamps

Ukrainian stamps, first edition and straight from Ukraine post. Pretty, too, and stitchy!


Back to the Left

Finished another row, so time to go back to the left  and work across again.


Even the Ceilings

There is not an exposed surface of Caserta that is not decorated. This ceiling is an example. And must be a pain to keep up.