Monday, July 31, 2023


Chad, Andreas, and I went cherry picking. Chad liked the new area, but was belligerent to the barn cat. This place had -so many cherries- on every tree. I will be going again next year after I run out of dried cherries, brandied, cherries, cherry pie filling, and frozen cherries.


Redone Corners

The olive color looks so much better than the bright orange. And I got some pink done, too.


Valentine's Present

This was my Valentine's Day present to Andreas this year. It hangs happily in his office.


Amsterdam Airport Food

On our way back to the US we had a loooong layover in Amsterdam and decided to get some breakfast. This was what we had. It was pretty dang expensive, but at least they didn't stint on portions and it tasted decent.


Saturday, July 29, 2023