Friday, May 04, 2012

Outside The Monastery And Little Boy

Just a few shots from outside the monastery, and then some of a little village boy playing with a soccer ball.  He was so absorbed in it he didn't notice people watching him.

Deadline Start

This is going to be an exchange scissors case and fob.  I started it this week, and it seems to be coming along pretty well.  Deadline is later this month.  Think I can get it put together?

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Inside The Cave

We went inside the monastery beneath the belltower.  There are a small sanctuary, a room full of sleeping cells, and a path along the side of the mountain that leads to more.  The path was rather narrow and not very well tended, so we didn't go there.  All these were taken inside.

Second Part Started

I am on the second part! I don't even know how many parts there are, but this one is on its way to completion.  It seems a bit smaller than the other one - more white space - so I am hoping it gets done quickly.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Back To The Belltower

The day was definitely clouding over as we made our way back from the church to the monastery belltower and cave.

Hard To See

It's so much easier to see progress when it's vertical and skinny.  When you're working horizontally on long lines, it's much harder to see.  On the other hand, it's there.  I'm sure of it.

Not Much Left

I've started the last part of The Mighty Oak!  It's almost done, and this part is a lot less dense than all those leaves.