Saturday, August 16, 2014


I'm not just working on the border anymore.  The lettering is started!


Evidently I'm a valued employee of a section I don't technically work for.  I edit and such for the public diplomacy section fairly often, even though I'm employed by consular.  They gave me an award!  Thanks!

On To The Museum

 People walking around and then the museum that was set up in one of the pavilions.  Below are some photos of said museum - some of which are a coin floor map of Moldova.  It's amazing in person.  The rest are artifacts and modern makes of Moldovan life in previous times.  The banners are all modern interpretations.  The tools are original.  Some are still used.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Food On Conference

After our tour, we had a wine tasting/food pairing lunch at Chateau Vartely's restaurant.  We tasted seven wines and had several courses.  The only one I didn't like was the fish, but I don't like fish in general, either.  The best tasting wine was the Taraboste chardonnay.  It was a good lunch and we discussed a lot of things.

Done For Now

So far, my band sampler is much more colorful than the original.  Andreas likes it better than the original photo, so that's good.  The first two parts are done.  I'm now waiting for the third part to show up in the mail.  This sampler has also reinforced my hatred of queen stitches.

The Ever-Medieval Hot Air Balloon

Like other ren faires, there's a bit of "out of period" stuff going on.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I Love My Job

 My section of the embassy had an off site training day toward the end of June.  There is a dearth of conference centers in Moldova; most are, unsurprisingly. at resorts - which happen to be wineries.  So we went to Chateau Vartely in Orhei.  It was a beautiful day and we got a tour of the grounds and cellar.  It took only half an hour and it was after two hours of training exercises, so we were ready for the break.