Thursday, May 05, 2016

The Kwanza River

We took a ride up the Kwanza River, about an hour and a half south of Luanda, on the same day we visited Miradouro.  The boat ride was about two and a half hours.  We saw no wildlife outside of birds, lots of unnamed vegetation, and this bridge that was being worked on.  It was, at least, a pretty day to be out - and the rain held off until we were back in town.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

More Miradouro From Me

More of the big vista of Miradouro.  It's beautiful, but I really want to see it from the bottom, too.

Blackwork About To Be Restart

Well, I don't know what possessed me to use filament silk to do blackwork.  I tried to continue more when I picked this up last week, but it was frustrating.  There's not much started on it, so I'm going to restart - with twisted silk.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Miradouro do Lua - MyVersion

The past sets of photos were from Andreas and his Nikon.  These are from me and my point and shoot.  His, of course, are better, but I got some bits he didn't.  Mine mainly reflect my fear of going over the edge.

Badger, Badger

Second badger is much easier to see now, and the bottom left corner is the true bottom left corner ... close to done!

Monday, May 02, 2016

Working On The Buttercup

My buttercup is halfway done!

Not The City

We went two weeks ago to the Kwanza River.  On the way, we stopped at one of Angola's seven wonders.  No real markers or anything, just a highway layby.  Get out of your car, look over the edge, and this is the view.  It's called Miradouro do Lua.  The cliff we were on was less than a mile from the ocean.  The contrast from the flat plateau above is stark.