Friday, February 24, 2017

All Bee'd Up

I finished my Elizabethan Pencil Box.  One of the strawberries has trellises that are no where near perfect, but I think it adds charm to the piece.  I liked doing the twisted buttonholes, and I'm overall pleased with the result.

Log Cutting And Rolling

The log cutting used big saws, but the log rolling was more interesting to watch!

Second Leaf

It's clearly visible that there's a second leaf now.  It looks like it's going to just be shades of green for a while longer now.


Saw these at the Gloucester roadside services and bought them just for the tins.  They're cute!

The Log Runners

The ladies and the dogs ran over logs in water.  They'd get wet if they fell, but they didn't.  It was fun to watch, and the dogs acted cute.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Almost Three Corners

I know I said I'd be making a big push on this, and I am.  It's just a bit slower than I'd want.

One Wall Erected

Outside of a bit of greenery at the top, this first wall's cross stitches are done.  I also am getting more and more flowers from the previous part done.  Soon, on to the fencing!