Friday, September 07, 2018

Thank You Sally

I finally participated in an exchange this summer.  I sent something to DJ, and Sally sent this lovely needle roll to me!

Almost A Headpiece

I almost have a full headpiece here!  Moving along.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Glowy Necklace

The resin in this reminds me of a giant opal, and I like the way it looks.  So it's mine.

All Across

All the way across now.  Will start back on the blue flower ladder next.

All But The Tail

So the tail is well begun and I have the mountains started at the bottom.  The rest of the dragon is done bar back stitching.  Feeling good about getting this thing done.

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Owl And Chain

My filigree owl and the chain I bought to go with it.  Andreas loves owls, so I tend to collect them.

More Brown

A third of the way is brown.  Time to step this up.  I have a car trip this weekend; maybe I can work on it then.