Monday, January 14, 2019


Chocolates from Amsterdam to give as gifts. They're handmade, of course.

More Embroidery

This Turkish jacket is beautiful, as are the embroidered pieces below.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Fancy Borders

I like this stitch that's in the inner border.

Cute Card

I donated to Reason and got this card for Christmas. I think it's cute.

Shoes, Socks, Necklaces, And Belts

Highly embroidered early 20th century costume - most of it Albanian.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Year, New Start

I started this on New Year's Day. It's yet another Chatelaine, and I hope to make a good dent in it.


I found these pretty wooden barrettes at the Cologne Christmas market.