Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Got A Horn

Finally back to working on this kit I bought in Ukraine. It's a cute ram and will be done soon.

Medieval Feast

When on home leave, we like to catch the Ren Faire down in Magnolia. We went with friends who had never been before. It was great, though we were a bit disappointed in the entertainment at the feast. Previously,  there were several acts who would pop in and do short versions of their shows. Last year, only one did. 

Saint Naim Monastery

Saint Naim is where Cyril and Methodus set out from to educate and Christianize eastern Europe. It is now also a beach destination. Located at the southern end of Lake Ohrid, it has a system of springs that feed into the lake, a beach, a picnic area, boat dock, several restaurants, and a hotel. The little monastery itself is swamped in all the other stuff. at least it's pretty. And it has peacocks.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Mini Twist #1 - Stitch Maynia 23

This is going to be super mini. It's going to look pretty good, though.

On The Way To The Bottom

I've completed the widest part of the heart. Time to work on narrowing it down to the bottom point. I like the way these colors look together.

Needlepoint Store Score

The French Knot put together some grab bags. We went for something else. Andreas gravitated to the bags and pulled out the ones he thought would interest me. We brought them home.

Prehistoric Village - Bay of Bones

The floating village is a recreation of a Neolithic village on the same (in the lake) site from approximately 6,000 years ago. The site is beautiful, with crystal clear water and lovely vistas. The recreation is a bit cheesy, though. You can walk through the huts and see the way they were put together.