Saturday, September 26, 2020

Be Kind - Work From Home #20

Another small work from home start. This one should get done quickly, too. I am trying to knock out the small things on my list as quickly as possible.


More Garden Stuff

More stuff in other pots. We got a decent crop this year, too. This was taken at the beginning of May.


Friday, September 25, 2020


This is now all the way around and the top edge is almost done. A quick little pandemic pattern.


Ornament Gifted

I finally managed to finish this, and Shpresa has received it. One more thing complete!


Another Trip, More Filigree

More filigree bought on our last trip to Prizren. We have another trip next week....

Got To Garden

Andreas decided we needed to get serious about gardening this year. So this set of photos in April shows a bit of the project.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Kindness Always Matters - Work From Home #19

I started this with someone in mind. I know she will like it. And, at this rate, it might get into my rotation this year.