Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Almost Hived

So close to being done on the hive as I have the big picture/mirror started.


Working on Eyes

Working on the spots on the wings that add more color. Still quite a bit of wing to go.


Big Eyes

My red panda's eyes are done and looking big and bright.


Sheepie Baa'd

My little red sheep is ready to hang. I think he looks pretty cute.


Krakow Air Museum Continued

Last visit to the air museum (minus me). They've done some rearranging so you can see things better.


Trident Framed

This turned out pretty well and is now Andreas'. He gets to decide where to hang it. Slawa Ukraina.


Monday, July 29, 2024

Lots of Patterns

Refilling my never ending stash. Some of this is already started.