Sunday, February 01, 2009

Almost Done

Lots more circles this week, and some more stripes. This picture was taken Saturday morning. I finished it late Saturday afternoon. Picture to follow, and it made my ninth finish in January. I'm shocked by how much I've gotten done.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Zentangle Part 1 Done

I got part one done in plenty of time and I still like the colors. It will look autumn-ish. Now to wait for the next bit.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Started Filling In

I added some more of the specialty stitches and the gold, then did a bit more on the edge this week. I really like the colors on this.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Still on Specialty Stitches

Parts three and four of the gardens have their specialty stitches started in this picture. Since it was taken last Friday, I've finished all the specialty stitches for part three. Yay! Now I can go on to part four. I think I've been working on parts two and three for nearly a year now.

Old is Back...

This is the last of my pre-Christmas rotation to be added back into the circle. It's Tiramisu and it's a correspondence course from EGA - one which I, of course, didn't finish on time. I'm on the eighth of twelve bands now. The middle of the eighth band is upside down. I accidentally had the picture upside down when I started stitching it, and well.... it doesn't look bad upside down.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stripy Progress on Poirot

Since I started working on it daily, Poirot's progress has significantly increased. Odd correlation, that, yes? I hope to finish this by the end of the week, and I might actually make it. Still love the colors.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rounding it out Again

The medium green scallops are toning down the measles some. Once I'm done with these, it'll be time to start another circle, I think. Round and round it goes...