Sunday, June 30, 2024

Entrance to the Courtyard

This castle has an imposing entrance and drawbridge, like most. There's a second drawbridge for the inner sanctum, too.


One Froggy Hand

My little green frog has a hand done. Still a stomach and another hand to go.


Winter Warmth

Polish colored flowers put in the Polish pottery vase early this year because Andreas got me these lovely flowers.


Hydrangeas and Lilacs

Andreas knows I love lilacs so he got me this bouquet when they were in season.


Someone's Front Gate

Beautiful clematis at the gate of our friend's neighbor's house. The colors are so vivid.


Hooped for Betsy

I didn't have the right size hoop when Betsy was here, but it's all done now and sent off.


Make Stuff May #14: A Fancy Flamingo by Hands On Designs

I know exactly who I am giving this to when it's done. And it has to be given before the end of the year. So this  will be worked on a bit soon.