Tuesday, September 04, 2007

It's Almost Done

My husband went a little crazy with the Huswif pictures this week. I think he thinks it's done. I still need to add edging to it, though. All the sewings complete, and you can see here how it's put together. I'll be putting the beads I bought at Seminar on it probably tomorrow, after I finish the seashell for the round robin. Then it'll be done. I couldn't do as the instructions said for edging because there wasn't enough silk of any color left to make cording.

So Why Did I Start Yet Another Project?

For this one, I confess, it was my husband. The piece is called "Dazzle" and I got it through ghosting at the San Diego ANG 21st annual stitch in. It came in the mail. I asked him to make the stretcher bars. Two days later, he asked why I hadn't started it. It's started now. With luck, it'll be quick because it's only about six inches square, perhaps seven. I like its looks so far.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

And the Wheel on the Row Goes Round and Round

I should have these Jessicas done this week! They're coming along pretty well, just have to count. None of my regular pieces, with the exception of the current round robin, got worked on while I was in Baltimore, so this one languished a bit. Hopefully, it won't for very long.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Florentine Fantasy Framed

I finished my version of Lorretta Spears' Florentine Fantasy last fall or winter. It took this long to frame it because my daughter, who picked the colors and is the recipient of it, had to paint the frame. I think she did a good job. My husband put this together before we left for the ANG seminar last Tuesday.

Honeydew Means Progress...

I managed to do quite a bit of background work on the garden this week. More honeydew Watercolors. I'm beginning to look on this as a way of really measuring progress, since it's the main color that everything else lays on.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Leaves and Vines

I started part two of the Tuscany. The leaves are lazy daisy stitch, and the vines are all double running stitch. There was a little trick to getting the placement right, since the edges of part one are that one thread out instead of two. I had to do some frogging the first time because of that. At least I caught it before I did all four. I would have, as my daughter would put it, committed seppuku. No need for that now!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

No Dessert for Me

It's slowly getting done. For some reason, this band is tedious to me. Possibly because I had to frog quite a bit a couple of weeks ago. I do like the way it looks, though. Since this picture was taken, all the left half of the band is done and the right half started on.