Friday, January 19, 2018

Scrolly Vine

This is the start of the Linen and Threads Mystery Sampler 2018.  I know I am going to fall behind for at least a bit by the end of the month.  The sections are huge.

For One Pattern

I wasn't sure which of these the pattern I want was in, so I bought them both.  The design is the owl on the top right of  the purple magazine.

City Ruins

These ruins are right across from the main hotel in Sarajevo.  They think these are from an early bazaar in old town.  For now, there's not much happening.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Half A Pear

Half a pear done, and it's even got the right shape.

First Panel

I am almost done with the first panel!  I think this is looking pretty good.

Handmade Jewelry

I picked this up at the winter bazaar at the embassy.  I need a chain for the pendant.

A Walk Around Sarajevo

We went to Sarajevo for Thanksgiving a couple of months ago.  It was a good, if short, visit, and we took a walk around the town with the Larsons on that Friday.  The museum in the top picture is of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, which started World War I.