Wednesday, January 31, 2007
On the Fence
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Mini and Midi Chatelaines
Monday, January 29, 2007
Goldwork Happy Dance
project challenge
Sunday, January 28, 2007
January Heart for Valentine's Day
Goldwork Getting Done
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Begin the Rose
Auction Piece Progress, Really!
auction piece,
Medieval Town Mandala and Victorian Garden
Friday, January 26, 2007
January Heart and Midi Mystery
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Glittering Goldwork
I am SO close to getting this done. Since this picture was taken, I added copper purl to the middle of the flower. All that's left are the two small petals on the vine and outlining the flower and the one petal - and then I'm done! Yay! I've learned a lot doing it, which I'm hoping to translate to Kay Stanis' goldwork GCC that I bought most of the materials for last week. I have to start it this week - I'll probably be putting the pattern onto the silk tomorrow or Friday.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Going to Have to Speed Up
So ... I got the second block done and reread my directions. I have to have this completed by March first! So I've increased my frequency of working on this. I'm almost done with the third block now. I think, if I work on it daily, I should get it done. The hat's completely stitched as of today and I have about half of the white around it done. I'm going to add a bow to the hat in Neon Rays so it shows better.
auction piece,
Borders Done
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Ribbon Purse
The beaded strap is now fifteen inches long, meaning I'm over a third of the way done. On Saturday, after this picture was taken, I finished the third row of feather stitch on the body of the purse. I'll be doing more strapwork this week.
Ribbons and Roses
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Purse Progress
Just plugging along on this. I'm almost done with the third line of beading on the body of the purse and got another couple of inches done on the strap. Maybe I'll have it done by the end of the year.
Ribbons and Roses
Monday, January 15, 2007
The Four Chatelaines
Sunday, January 14, 2007
January Heart
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Progress on Needlepoint
Goldwork Gets Going
This is making more progress this week - I got the whole petal done with the woven couching. Now I just have to plunge the rest down on that. I'll probably get to that today or tomorrow. Then laying down a lot of paillettes! It's beginning to take shape. I'm hoping to finish this off by the end of the month.
Friday, January 12, 2007
First Finish of the New Year
When I went out to pick up lunch, I mailed this one back to France. It's Laurence H.'s piece for the round robin. Surprisingly, I haven't received anything from Muriel yet. Maybe she's doing a lot? Anyway, I'm kind of happy with my L and I hope she likes it! Now to get something else done this year. And this counts as one of my ten projects for my challenge.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Ribbons and Roses Update
I didn't post a picture of this last week because I got absolutely none of it done. It's really hard to do a beading project on the road. So... this is a picture as of Sunday afternoon. I got the third row of fly stitch started and the strap is now almost a third of the way done at thirteen inches. Maybe I'll have it done in time for next Christmas.
Ribbons and Roses
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
French Round Robin
I have one more week to have this L done and in the mail. I think I'll make it - at least, my goal is to mail this out on Saturday before the mail holiday and before I have company over again. I got more done after this picture on yesterday - I only have the very bottom part to go. Will post a picture of the finished one when it's ready.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Auction Piece, Again
Still working on that top left corner rectangle, but I'm -almost- done with it. I worked on it some more this afternoon and have about 100 stitches to put in it. Then I can go on to the geraniums!
auction piece,
The order from Tanja Berlin came in while I was on my long trip with the cats, so I managed to work on this some today. I got a few more rows of the weaved couching laid and plunged it all. I hate plunging. I'm always afraid I'm going to leave these huge holes in the silk. Anyway, it's getting there and I'm over halfway done.
Progress on Chatelaines
As you can see, progress has been iffy at best on these. Another two day car ride (with three cats), company overnight, and then my son coming from Texas to stay this weekend has made me both too busy and too frazzled to stitch much. My son goes home on Tuesday; hopefully after that I can get something done. Anyway, barely any progress on Mystery X. I managed one strand of silver. Got some blue and black done on the mini mandala. The Midi Mystery has more of the arch done - the arch that goes on and on and on. And the Medieval Mandala has most of the fourth side done on its leaves. I am getting there. Slowly, but I am.
Time to Take Stock
No pictures in this post - just goals and such for the new year. I found out today about the Project Challenge. I'll be starting with the ten project challenge, since I've got some BAP's to do. So, to recap - what I'm working on: Midi Mystery 2, Mystery X, Mini Mandala, and Medieval Town Mandala from Chatelaine. An auction needlepoint gardening piece for the American Needlepoint Guild that MUST be done by March 1st. Bargello and Buttonholes, also needlepoint. A beading project called Ribbons and Roses from the last national EGA seminar. A French round robin. And a goldwork piece that was a class from Classic Stitches. This is what I am currently rotating through. I also have to get the goldwork GCC done by the end of March, a beading GCC done by the end of May, and two more GCC's being started in March. Plus ornaments and incidentals as the year passes. In other words, I'm BUSY. Hopefully I'll be able to at least clear some of this off my plate soon. Wish me luck!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Needlepoints Again
One day I'll get the top left rectangle of the auction piece done. It's getting there, but too slowly for my taste. Driving two days without doing a stitch this week didn't help, of course. The Buttonholes and Bargello has some of the arch stitches started. They're the last border step (yippee!) and then I start the rose in the middle. Once I do that rose, it's done.
A Capital L
Monday, January 01, 2007
Medieval Town Mandala
A Very Nice Surprise
My friend's parents gave me this present last night - they're the ones who are getting the Pandas. I think it's really pretty and will try to work it into my rotation really soon. It should be a quick stitch.
Midi Mystery
I got a bit more of this done this weekend despite spending two whole days driving in the car and the rest of the week being out and about at a friend's house. It's amazing I got anything at all done. On the left arch, I got the light green done on one side. This week, I've got another two day drive, my son coming to visit, and three new pets to acclimate to my house. Somehow, I doubt I'll get much stitching done.
A New Start for a New Year
Even though I already have too many projects going on, I started another one today. It's Chatelaine's Mystery X. As you can see, I haven't done much, but it's only today! The fabric is from Silkweaver and I bought the fiber and bead kit from European Cross Stitch. I'm looking forward to seeing it unfold.
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