Thursday, January 23, 2025

Christmas Countdown Box

This was from Stitchy Box and was mailed after the start of advent, so I received it around the 20th. Kind of disappointing. More disappointing, I also ordered the Christmas Bash box - and received it busted open with nearly everything missing. She has agreed to send me a bash box in the spring. We will see.


Up and Down and Up

Dragged this out to add to the rotation. It shouldn't be a looong project. I hope.


Ring of Flowers Finished

Looks pretty good, too. 


Bit of Mouth

Little red panda has a bit of mouth now and a bit more back, too. He's getting a personality.


Quilted Ball

When we went to the Christmas Market in Brno, we found a quilt guild selling things! And one of the things I bought was this pretty ball. Turns out Brno is the center of quilting and patchwork in Europe. Who knew?


One Last Mystery Box

One last mystery box. I got some things I really like, and some not so thrilled with. But that's how it goes. 


Back to the Tail

Getting more done on the tail; it's a lot of fiddly bits.


Berlin Museum Outside

This was a history museum, but it was mainly closed. Their big exhibit was The Road Not Taken - and was a bit about turning points in German history. We thought that would be interesting, but were disappointed because they just examined the turning points and did not get much into alternative histories. Very disappointing. Great concept, poor execution.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Prague Box

It's a good thing I bought this for the tin box. There were like four candies in it. But at least I have the cute box.


Another Purse Purchase

This was tote bags as a mystery. I really like the light blue color, and it's the one that's zipped. Yay!


Dragon Ridge

Laying out the dragon's back ridge and a bit of wing?


Massive Skirt

Still working on this massive skirt. Got a bit more done in the middle of it. Lots of the same colors over and over.


Museum, Mausoleum, and Church on the Same Road

Walking down Unter den Linden looking at the sights. The day was beautiful but a bit windy and chilly.


Friday, January 10, 2025

Prague Pencils

My one real souvenir from Prague - a pencil case from the technology museum. I love it.


Finished Ornaments

A couple of ornaments finished lately. I need to do more finishing.


Afghan for Njomza

Managed to get the afghan done for Njomza's little girl. She loves it.


Needlepoint Subscription

I really like this canvas. It'll be started this year. Donating the hat.


Two Full Rings

It's time to start the little rings.



Mister squished blue frog has a head now.


Ukraine Support in Berlin

This was the only place we saw the Ukrainian flag displayed prominently in Germany. Or France. It's sad.


Tuesday, January 07, 2025


Magnets from our trip. Belgium and Berlin.


Advent Calendar

Leonora found this advent calendar and bought it for me. Thank you! You know I love jelly beans.


Almost Invisible

You can't really see the work I've been doing, but it's there. The stems and leaf veins are beginning to take shape. Lots left to do. It's getting worked on, at least.


Edge of the Building

Picking this up after a long hiatus. I have less than four pages to go, and it's time to finish this. Anyway, some stitching along the right edge to get the gray building some substance.