Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Still on the Edge

This last part is coming along, even if slowly. About one and a quarter sides to go.


Table Filled In

The table's all filled in. It's about time to get the mirror done. Feeling good with the progress.


Working on Wings

This is the single largest stitched area in the whole piece. Once I'm done with it, I'm more than halfway through.


Line by Line

Up and down, up and down. Only one more up to go.


Monday, February 24, 2025

Garden in Gutter Lane Kit

The class has started but I've been too busy to start, too. I am also going to have to completely change the goldwork part because I don't like the idea of a great big needle through the piece.


Prague Earrings

The only thing I picked up at the Prague Christmas market that wasn't food.


New Little Hoops

They've got little green stones, too. From FabFitFun.


Memorial to Victims of War

This is a little building on Unter den Linden easy to overlook. It's empty but for the sculpture.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Adorable Face

Mr. Panda's face is done, and he's adorable.


Neverending Skirt

More skirt, like usual. I swear it will get done soon.


The Little Runs

Time for me to do the smaller runs now. One started; three more to go.


Close to Done

My little garden is almost totally blooming now.


Runner and Mats

This little peacock set caught my eye at the Brno Patchwork Guild's sale, so I bought them.



I bought this little beeswax bit from the quilt guild in Brno. It will be used.


Simple Frame for the Owl

I finally framed this. I think it looks pretty good. It's for Andreas.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

More of the Road

More of this exhibit. This part was about the way Stalin wanted to unite Germany under his terms - that were about voting.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Advent Swap

I swapped a whole advent of snacks with someone in Germany. She sent me -all this stuff!-. It was fun opening something every day.


Yarn for Andreas

Andreas is going to Kyiv in the summer to work. I want to make him something to bring with him, so he's approved an afghan with this yarn. Now to start. He will need something warm for the winter.


Another Watch

This one has a great big dial. I like it with the rose gold.


Half the Third

Third side getting there! I feel so bad about not getting this done by the end of last year. I've been unable to stitch much lately because of other things going on. Hopefully by next month that will all be over.


New Book from JTA

New temari book. I haven't bought a new one in years, but this had great reviews.



The tabletop is almost done, as is the mirror. Getting close on the cross stitch, but there's going to be a lot of backstitch and beading afterward.


About to Fly

Butterfly has a body now and is looking like it's about to fly off. Getting started on a bluebell too.


The Road Less Traveled Part 1

The first part of the Road Less Traveled was about the fall of the Berlin Wall. I find it weird that they put the most recent event first; it would have made more sense to go from older to newer events. Like I said in a previous post, this didn't really explore the idea of an alternate turn of events. It was more like - if this didn't happen, things would have been bad. That's about it.