Showing posts with label Jelly Bellies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jelly Bellies. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Back to the Belly

It's still going pretty easy, and I've added more to the bell of the third jellyfish.  I have a lot more to cover with this stitch, though.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Waving Along

Caela Conn Tyler calls the stitch I'm using now a wave stitch.  It's just nice and easy to do.  I like the way it's looking here, and it doesn't take long to get a whole needleful done.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Third Belly Started!

The third jellyfish is officially started, since I've decided to go in the order of the directions and not complete each jellyfish as it comes up.  This third one has a wave stitch throughout it on the bottom.  Easy enough to do, except that it is made up of one filament of silk and two of Accentuate or Bijoux, depending on color.  I like the way it looks so far, though. 

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Second Jelly Bottom

Jelly Bellies, again.  I finished the first layer of the second jellyfish and have decided to go in the order of the directions and begin the first part of the third jellyfish next.  I'll get to work on it in the coming week, I hope.

Friday, December 04, 2009

White Out

Hard to see what I did this week, but it's there. I did all the white areas of the second jellyfish. This was a bit harder than the other areas because I had to work around the light blue in the middle.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Bit More Blue

I've finished the light blue areas on the second jellyfish this week. It's kind of tedious with the two different thicknesses of threads and keeping track without tangling them, but the result's pretty neat. Now on to the white.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Back to the Bellies

It's been a while since I've worked on this - I had to get it to Uruguay, after all. I did this week, though! I added more to the top of the second jellyfish. That part's almost done, and it's back into my (new) rotation.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Second Jellyfish Started

I started my second jellyfish this week. It's fairly easy so far, though I have to use two needles with the same thread but different numbers of plies in them.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Jelly Bellied

All right, so this week I remembered what frustrated me so much with this - the instructions are scattered. Instead of having the instructions for each jellyfish all in consecutive pages, they're scattered and interspersed with each other. I'm not sure of the reason for that, but having six pages scattered across a table to refer to just bugs me.

Other than that, I -did- complete the first jellyfish! I didn't do the trailing stitch because I didn't find the instructions, and instead did an outline stitch. I think it looks pretty good anyway. On to the next.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This is a project called "Jelly Bellies" by Caela Conn Tyler. It was to be taught at the EGA seminar this year, but didn't make. I saw the finished piece at last year's seminar and thought it'd be a good and fun piece to do. I liked it. I didn't sign up for it at seminar, though, because it didn't fit in my schedule. So... San Bernadino chapter of ANG was doing this as a pilot class, and I ghosted. This was last spring. I started it, and ran into some trouble with the directions. I put it aside, but just now added it back into my rotation. My first working on this piece since then went swimmingly well. I felt none of the frustration I'd felt earlier.
I asked Ms. Tyler if I could blog this piece, since it was a pilot, and she said yes, so here it is! I'm hoping to work more on it today and will continue it in my rotation until it's done. I really like the look of it, and thank Ms. Tyler for her design work and her permission.
So far, I've put down gauze for waves and some Angelina fiber for the first jellyfish, then stitched over the Angelina. The base layer of the first jellyfish is done and now I need to add more on top.