Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Needlepoints Again

One day I'll get the top left rectangle of the auction piece done. It's getting there, but too slowly for my taste. Driving two days without doing a stitch this week didn't help, of course. The Buttonholes and Bargello has some of the arch stitches started. They're the last border step (yippee!) and then I start the rose in the middle. Once I do that rose, it's done.

A Capital L

It's beginning to look like a real Gothic L now. Hopefully between everything else this week, I'll be able to finish it. Can't wait to send this off... I know I'll be getting another one soon.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Medieval Town Mandala

Three sides done, one to go. This one is showing progress every week, lately, since I've gone on to part 4. Now if only everything else would go as quickly... anyway, I should be able to get more done this week despite all the extra stuff going on.

A Very Nice Surprise

My friend's parents gave me this present last night - they're the ones who are getting the Pandas. I think it's really pretty and will try to work it into my rotation really soon. It should be a quick stitch.

Midi Mystery

I got a bit more of this done this weekend despite spending two whole days driving in the car and the rest of the week being out and about at a friend's house. It's amazing I got anything at all done. On the left arch, I got the light green done on one side. This week, I've got another two day drive, my son coming to visit, and three new pets to acclimate to my house. Somehow, I doubt I'll get much stitching done.

A New Start for a New Year

Even though I already have too many projects going on, I started another one today. It's Chatelaine's Mystery X. As you can see, I haven't done much, but it's only today! The fabric is from Silkweaver and I bought the fiber and bead kit from European Cross Stitch. I'm looking forward to seeing it unfold.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Round Robin

So, er, my husband can't tell the top from the bottom of a capital L? I think he was just in a hurry. Anyway, I've gotten more of this L done and should have it done in plenty of time to pass on on the 15th of January.