Saturday, April 28, 2007


I didn't have much wait time last week. That's why there is so little progress on this. The band I just started is at least as big as the flower and square band, and my hope is to finish it this week. Time keeps getting more and more squished on me. Does it ever slow down and let you catch up on your stitching? I hope it will for me soon.

Goldwork Part F Done

This week, I managed to do Part F. It's the calyx of the other flower, and I think I did the box couching better on it. At least, it looks better to me. I'm liking the progress when I get to work on this, but it's looking like I'm going to have to take this to France to complete. I really want it done, so I might take a week or a day or two and just work on it to catch up.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Calendrier des Fleurs

This is Yveline's round robin - it arrived in the same package as my completed one. I need to add a calendula (marigold) to it for October. My daughter remarked on how appropriate that was because it's my birthday month. I have a picture of a calendula that I need to make a chart of. Will do that after I'm back home on Monday. I think her idea is lovely and it looks so pretty!

My Round Robin Flew Home!

I got a wonderful, beautiful surprise in the mail today. My round robin flew home! It's done! I love it, even if my husband says the contrast isn't great. I think he says that because it's hard to photograph. i'm just thrilled with how it turned out. There's a blank spot near the middle that I think I'm going to put everyone's initials in. Now I have to finish the other two that I have to go through. The needlework sampler one is almost done and the other I got in the mail with mine. I so recommend doing this!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Victorian Progress

I got to use a color other than Honeydew this week -and the edges of the swirls are beginning to be more defined. I still like the detail of the garden - but it takes so long to do!

Tiramisu Band One

This picture shows the first band almost done - another sailor needed to be added to the right side. It's done now and Band 2 is started and about halfway done - picture to be taken tonight, along with everything else. The backside doesn't look quite as nice as the front, mainly because of the starting and ending of threads, but it's still pretty reversible. My kids and husband think that's neat. I'm sure I won't get this all done in time for the review, but I'm going to turn in what I have done when it's time.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Round Robin - A Better Picture

My husband managed to take a better picture of the whole piece this week. As you can see, it's huge. My little sewing bird in the corner is dwarfed! It's coming along pretty well, though. Since taking this picture, I have the bird and the second cushion done. All I have to do now is the vise and the outlining and it's done. I was contacted by Muriel earlier this week and she's sending me, she says, the last two, very soon. Maybe I'll have mine back sooner than I thought.