Monday, July 23, 2007

Still Doesn't Look Like a Lady

Well, it still doesn't look like a lady, even if it's part of her skirt, but at least the progress is visible. The kit I'm working this from had very very long cuts of floss, so I just fold them in half and do a whole length at a time. This means I'm actually doing more stitches per length on this than I am on my other projects, which leads to more progress. It's been pretty easy to do so far, at least. Maybe when I get to the flag it'll be harder.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Victorian Garden

I've gotten a bit more done on this since the picture was taken. The silver is added, and I did quite a bit of bleu sage on the right side swirl. Still making progress, though it seems slooow. I think that's because parts two and three are just plain a lot of stitching. The rest don't seem to be too much until you get to the houses. I'll have time to do more stitching now, though.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A New Start - Tuscany Town Mandala

One great thing about finishing stuff is you can start something else! This is my latest start - Tuscany Town Mandala from Chatelaine. I'm using Picture This Plus's Carnival linen as the fabric and all silks, to the point I ordered Vikki Clayton silks to substitute for the DMC colors. It's going to a very good friend of mine - he bought the pattern - and I'll be trying to get it done in a reasonable time frame. So far, I really like the color on the fabric.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fish is Finished

I finished my fish for Sue's round robin piece on Saturday and mailed it out yesterday. The pattern is from a French magazine I picked up at the grocery store when I was there. The initials were me playing around with font styles. It came out all right, but there were a LOT of quarter crosses on this and that's the absolute worst to do on Aida... but it's done now. I hope she likes it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Getting Closer

I'm feeling really good about the possibility of finishing this whole quarter this month. I can really see how close it is to completion and I like it. Now to get some time to stitch! Actually, I probably will be getting a lot of time to stitch starting on Saturday when everyone is where they're supposed to be and I've got things caught up.

Part 3 Started

Yup, I finally started Part 3. Since there were a lot of half stitches instead of whole, I felt like there was a lot of progress when I worked on it. I'm definitely not going to take as long on this as I did on Part 2. Now I have to decide on whether I want to purchase the pattern for Midi 3...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Gardening on the Square

I'm back in the USA now - got back on Wednesday. Was home less than a day before leaving again and still am jet lagged, so I'm not really doing a lot of stitching yet. Anyway, here's the progress on the Victorian Garden mystery. It's slow going, but I love looking at all the colors. This one I'll keep for me when it's done.

Thank you all for your encouragement and comments on the pictures from France. I'll be using them soon to design some needlework, I believe. I'll be going back to Europe next year and will try to do the same thing!