Monday, August 06, 2007

Flag Started

This week, I started the flag. Means I'm making quite a bit of progress. My idea on the way I'm tackling this is that I'll establish a more or less horizontal line and work either up or down from it. I haven't decided which. The line will be the lower edge of her arm. For some reason, this seems to have been going a bit more quickly than it had been to me. I'll take that - makes me feel better about completing it!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Red Squares

I finished off the diamond row with Algerian eyes in the middle. They came out pretty well, and now I'm in the process of doing the red square satin stitches on the penultimate row. Once I'm done with the stitching, there are beads to add and then I'll need to put it together, like I did the purse. I think it's coming along pretty well.

A Quick Finish

Well, this is another one of the sealife round robins. It's Janien from Brazil's. I did the seahorse on the left today. Needed something quick and this fit the bill AND got a bit of responsibility out of the way. I'll be mailing it out on Monday. This makes number four of the twenty-five project challenge. And if you want to know where the pattern came from, it's from Mains & Merveilles Point de Croix #61 and the thread is Gentiane from L'atelier du pic vert. I like the color.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Shells... and More Shells

I got enough of the border shells done this week to start the second row on this piece's next pass on the rotation. It's something called starfles. Don't ask, cause I don't know. The shells take a lot of floss but go rather quickly. I still like their colors a lot.

My Garden Grows

I managed to do more work on this this week - there's more of the midnight blue color and more bleu sage. Looks like I'll be working with metallics for the coming week. For some reason, when I do, I feel like I'm making more progress than working with some of the silk colors. It must be some kind of psych thing with the sparkles.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Officially Behind

As I knew would happen, I fell officially behind on Tuscany on Wednesday. I am not very far behind, however. Since taking this picture, I've gotten all the outer border done and most of the inner area done. It's mainly specialty stitches to complete part one. I haven't even looked at what I need to do for part two yet, but I will probably be able to start it next week. I still really like the color of the fabric with the colors of the floss, although some people would say the two light colors blend in too much.

Round Robin Complete

Last night, I finally finished my part of this round robin. It took a lot longer than I thought it should, but it's done. Now I have four others in queue to do! I'll be able to get them started now that this one's done. It's getting sent to India today. This also counts as my third project of my 25 project challenge, which is a good thing.