Saturday, July 26, 2008

Almost Half Way

The four squares for the halfway point come out next week and I've finished part nine on time. Go me! I can keep a schedule on stitching something, at least. Anyway, it's coming together nicely, don't you think? It's only available through the Marquoir group on

Still Stitching on May

I'm sooo behind on my commitment to make an ornament a month. I thought this'd be a quick stitch, but it's been taking quite a while. At least it's pretty. This is May's ornament, though, and it's the end of July...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dazzling Box

I finished this needlepoint (Dazzle is its name) earlier this year. My husband finished finishing it this week. Didn't he do a great job? He made the box from scratch. It's even got inserts in the corners for better structure. I think it's wonderful, especially since he did the mounting too.

Part Four Finished

I got all of Part Four's specialty stitches done. Now I need to do gold scrolling underneath the plaques. They're pretty much all outline, so it should go quickly. After that, the girl in the middle. It's finally beginning to come together.

Part Three Happy Dance

I finally finished part three's cross stitches! Now to go back in and fill the corners of part two in and then the specialty stitches. It just feels good to make a milestone on this piece - it's been taking me forever.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bringing It Down

I got a dark red stripe done and some medium brown on the other edge. Downward progress is definitely being made; it's just slow because the piece is so large. My current goal on this is to put in one strand of floss per day, and I'm pretty good at getting that done.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

English Flowering

this week I got the majority of the bottom half of the flower done. There's a lot of green for leaves and such to put on this band, but the big central motif is done but for darning and backstitching. I definitely need to have it done by the end of August, though.