Saturday, October 10, 2009

Number Nine, Number Nine

Yes, the ninth part of See the Stars is done. I think it looks pretty good.

It's a Something

I've finally started something besides background. It's a salamander to me or a dragon to some. Anyway, it's all dark and beginning to take shape.

Friday, October 09, 2009

What a Difference a Backstitch Makes

I've started the backstitching on these houses, and it really makes them pop. Sometimes, it really just strikes me how much difference such a simple thing makes.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

It's Still Brown

I've been working on the skirt some more this week. It's coming to the point where it's going to intersect with the ribbon below, which means it's getting close to being done. The colors of the week were more of the lighter browns.

Second Jellyfish Started

I started my second jellyfish this week. It's fairly easy so far, though I have to use two needles with the same thread but different numbers of plies in them.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Yet Another Marquoir Start

Yes, this is the fifth of five concurrent stitchalongs in the German Marquoir group. This one's a mystery by Kelly Searles. I've switched out the colors rather drastically, as the originals were green, red, and two shades of gold on white. I just couldn't do something that Christmasy, so... I changed it. I like the way these colors work together so far.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Another Point

The southeastern point of the compass is done, which means more progress made. This week was working on the inside area. I feel like the end is in sight.