Monday, January 25, 2010

Egging It On

Only work on the last egg this week, but a lot of progress on it. 

Parrots and Teros

These pictures were taken in a field in front of the engineering school just a few blocks from the house.  This first one is a flock of parrots.  They gather in huge groups in the trees and are rather a hazard.  For example, in November, when the figs in the back yard were ripe, the parrots ate all the figs or dropped them to the ground on top of the pigeons.  Fun to watch, but messy and noisy.

This second picture is of a tero, the national bird of Uruguay.  If you notice, its legs are jointed in the same way a flamingo's are - backwards.  They're pretty birds, but shy.

More Stashification

These pictures are still more stash from the mercerias I found on 18 de Julio and at the market.  Yes, the pendant is the one on the necklace from the previous post.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Dragon or Salamander?

I'm still unsure whether it's a dragon or a salamander, but whichever it was, it grew this week.  I did more black than red, and managed to get the critter done by another couple of rows.

New Necklace

Andreas made me this necklace and found the exactly right pendant for it at the merceria at the market about a week ago.  It just fits perfectly with the copper links. 

Still Feeling Good About Seven

More work on part seven, with a couple of colors that haven't been used much so far.  I'm so relieved to be done with part six that I'm working a bit more quickly on seven.


The same day I got the beads posted earlier, I found several mercerias along the same street farthr down.  This first picture is from one particular place that had a lot of stuff left in the back of the store, untouched for years and years.  I found perle cotton, floche, and ribbon.  It was fun looking through everything. 

The lower picture is from another merceria.  I found some lovely locally made perle there too.  Sincce I love variegateds, I went ahead and bought three kinds.  If you look at the receipts, you'll see dollar signs.  The Uruguayans use dollar signs, too.  Their peso is approximately twenty to the dollar.