Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's an Albatross

Caught an albatross in flight over the river.  Those things are huge!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rounding It Out

Yes, I know, there's a picture of this finished in the OWOH post.  Here is where I was on it last Saturday afternoon.  As you can see, I just decided it had to be finished, so I did.  Now to put it into ornament form real soon.

Moon Over Montevideo

This is a picture of the moon over our back yard a few weeks ago.  We have some spectacular sights here.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Birds on the Rocks

These birds were down on the rocks at the end of the street, across the Rambla.  For some reason, a huge flock of several different kinds gathered there. 

More Winter in Summer

I've decided to do all the cross stitching before I go on to the specialty stitches.  I might change my mind later, but this week I did some of the inner outlines.

One World One Heart Blog Giveaway


I've decided, after discovering it today, to participate in the One World, One Heart giveaway from way down here in Uruguay.  Since it's a spur of the moment decision, I've not got things nicely made up for it, but they -will- be completely finished before sending to you!  With that in mind, I'm offering three prizes: a bargello ornament that I just finished stitching today, a cross stitched ornament, and a picture from Andreas.  The picture will be 8x10 inches and printed on archival paper.  Each of the prizes will have more information below their pictures.  To register for my drawing, just leave a comment with a way to get back to you.  You -must- leave a comment before February 15th, as I will draw the winners then.

Here's the photo I picked:

This is a low resolution picture of it.  It will be in much higher resolution.  The picture was taken here in Montevideo, a few blocks from our house.  There are several species of birds in it, and I think it's a neat shot.

This is the second prize:

I stitched this a while back and never got around to making it into an ornament.  Now you get it made into one if you win.

And here is the final one:

I have the finishing materials for this; it will be going on a circular metal form.  I just finished it today, and I think the bargello came out pretty well.

Edited 2/7/10: I added a picture of the finished bargello ornament.  Now you know exactly how it will look!

Remember, if you want any of these, to leave a comment on this post before February 15th.  I'll be drawing a winner at nine in the morning Montevideo time on that day.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Purple Finish

I finished the Weihnachtsmysterie!  It's not getting made into anything yet because my sewing machine is broken, but all the stitching is done.  Thank you, Tam, for making this pattern available to the Marquoir group!