Monday, July 26, 2010

Beautiful Exchange!

Last week, Karin's temari from Sweden got here!  It's beautiful and was part of the Spring GITS from Talk Temari yahoogroup.  She made each flower one that's found in Sweden in spring and even gave me a little guide to them!  Isn't it pretty?  I'll treasure it always.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So Very Close

I'm still working on this, but it's -so-close to being done.  Next picture should be of it all done!

Gifts from Friends

Ana gave me these beautiful pearl cottons and a great magazine when we met.  I'm going to use them soon.

And Sussy gave me this great little paper floral arrangement.  It sits on my desk and the bright pink cheers me up during these dreary winter days.  Thank you both!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lining Up

I'm getting things done on this, and it's a good thing - I need to finish by September 15th!  Although each area is bigger than a square for kaleidoscope mandala, it goes quicker - empty spaces.

First Meeting

Here are a couple of pictures of me and my fellow stitchers in Uruguay!  I met Ana and Sussy on the Puntocruz Yahoo group, a Spanish language worldwide cross stitch group with a lot of wonderful members.

We met and shared at the Don Pepperone and oohed and ahhed over patterns and projects for three hours!  We're planning on doing it again soon.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Counting Down

Only one more rectangle and a half to go.  I'm so happy I'm so close to getting this "prework" done.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Bit of Roof

Did some roof this week and some of the upper floor building.  Other than that, not much to say.