Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Dragging Out the Last

One day soon, I'm going to be working on this and just go for finishing it.  That day wasn't the last time I worked on it, though.

More Singing Portraits

Still Acontromano .  I like the way a lot of these look as portraits.

Small Progress

Still a bit more on the small buildings on the perimeter. And, of course, Rhodes stitches inside.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More Men in Hats

  1. Still A Contramano at the Hipodrome.  This was a birthday party for Uruguay - as this year is Uruguay's bicentennial. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

All A-Heart

The heart's finished and is ready to mail off to its final destination.  The pattern is from Gazzette 94.  They have a lot of neat little things!  


One ninth of the Purple Garden is done.  Now off to the second part.  

The Wrong Way - Hipodromo

During Carnaval, there was a bicentennial performance at the Hipodromo, the local race track and casino.  These pictures of A Contramano (the wrong way) are from that.  I think they should be called Men in Hats.  Anyway, A Contramano is one of the most beloved murgas in Uruguay. 

And now that Andreas has his new computer and is able to process his photos faster, I've got local color pictures!