Monday, July 18, 2011

Behind This Door

It's on a typical mixed residential and business block in central Montevideo and looks like a hundred others.  It's not, though.  Next to the garage door, the other one goes to a hidden cell area where, in the 1980's, the leftists held their hostages.  It was a miserable place underneath the garage - cramped and crowded - and there were always three leftist guards present, too.  For several years, the location was a secret - until it was raided by the police.  

In the Manner of Torres-Garcia

Even though you've probably never heard the name, you've seen the art of Torres-Garcia.  He was a native Uruguayo who was influential in the modern art movement.  This mural is opposite a museum devoted to him.  It shows the style (but not the colors - he only used red, yellow, blue, black and white) of his work.  Some hangs in MoMA.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

colorado Party Headquarters

The Colorado Party is one of the oldest political parties in Uruguay.  We stopped by as part of the assassination tour.  Isn't their building beautiful?

Ended up doing something I haven't done in a while with this piece - I extended the edging down.  Then I added more red.  


Uruguay is one of  the top producers of amethyst.  You can find some beautiful stones here.  We bought these two necklaces two weeks ago, and I'm not giving either away.  They're mine!

Last of the Bomberos and Architecture

If you look closely at this picture, you'll see it's rather ironic.  The rest are of architecture around Ciudad Vieja and the last of the firehouse pictures.

Friday, July 15, 2011