Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Still Gilding

Still working on the background.  There's a lot to do!

Still Gardening

I'm still working on part six, and am about halfway through.  I don't know why, but each of these parts takes a long time for me.

Just a Bit

I've got the tops of two fruits done.  Some more leaves, too.  It's taking shape.  More color soon.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Almost Seventh

There are bits of two more buildings to cross stitch before I can say it's done but the specialty stuff, but part seven is definitely getting close.  It's so close, in fact, that I've used some of the thread lengths from seven to start eight!

Still Going

The Lady's skirt is almost done. I'm feeling this project is dragging at this point, but with all the travel, I haven't been able to do much stitching. Maybe once I settle in in the new house, I'll be able to do more with her.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Starting a Lattice

A bit more done on this stitchalong.  I'm beginning to wonder if I should have done this over one, but otherwise, I'm okay with it.

Gilding the Background

There is finally a bit of color in this.  The background's coming along nicely; I'm on the last, but longest part.  All these white threads have  to be couched down in gold.  At least it's started.